WordPress Speed Optimization Service

WebFixGo specialises in optimising the speed of WordPress sites of all sizes and types. Never again worry about a slow load time driving users away or Google punishing your site for poor technical performance. Our speed optimization solution attempts to have your website up and running in few seconds only while also increasing your Main Web Functions.

Managed WordPress Speed Services Make your wordpress load faster


No visitor want to visit a website that loads slow. A speedy website provides a positive customer experience and increases the likelihood of people visiting additional pages on your site.


Website speed is a significant ranking element in search engines. A faster website will result in a higher ranking in search engine results, This implies that having an optimised website is essential.


Speed is very important, and a quicker website can significantly enhance conversion rates. Don't let your company suffer — speed up your website right now.

More About our WordPress Speed Optimization Service

Our sole business purpose is to provide support, security, and maintenance on a regular basis for WordPress website owners like you. We also offer developer support if hiring a full-time developer doesn’t make sense for your business.


Ecommerce Optimized

Because clients browse through a wide range of products, speed is critical for online retailers. We will improve their user experience by enhancing page speed without sacrificing performance.They will undoubtedly return to your lightning-fast internet store. ​

Minifying Resources

To make your site load faster, we will compress HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We will additionally delay the loading of JavaScript files to reduce the initial load time of your pages. However, it's all about balance — we'll never sacrifice stability for faster speed.

Caching and CDN

We can install browser caching plugins for you, which will speed up your site for returning visitors. A CDN (content delivery network) will speed up your site by lowering the geographical distance your material must travel, resulting in faster page loads.

Image Optimization

We will do lossless image compression so that your photographs preserve their quality while being significantly reduced in size. We'll also enable lazy loading so that images only load when the user scrolls down. This reduces bandwidth and storage space, improves page speed, and lowers the overall cost of maintaining your site. ​

Plugin Inspection

Plugins can make a WordPress stand out, but they are frequently installed from untrustworthy sources or when they are not required. We'll go over each plugin & remove anything that isn't necessary. If something is broken or out of date, we'll recommend a replacement. All of this contributes to faster loading & a smaller website size. ​

Database Optimization

Every piece of data that passes through your website is saved in its database. The database can grow clogged, affecting the performance of your site sooner or later. WebfixGo.com may optimise and clean up your website's database to make it faster than ever by ensuring a smooth transition and make your site loading time faster

Our Optimization Results for Speed?

Partner with us, your WordPress professionals, to improve your site for speed for a great user experience and a higher Google Core Web Vitals score.


ONE-TIME wordpress PLAN

If you only need a one-time fix for a single WordPress issue and do not require ongoing maintenance and support, please fill out our One-Time Fix support form above, or file a ticket, start a live chat, or utilize our Instant IM support service.


If you’d rather focus on expanding your business, we recommend trying our ongoing support service. You will receive limitless support from our experts in WordPress & Woocommerce